Make Your Own Video Game for Kids!

Make Your Own Video Game for Kids!
Last Updated: April 5, 2023 1:49 pm

Make Your Own Video Game for Kids!

Kids love to play video games. That much is obvious. But wouldn’t it be cool if they could make their screen time less passive and more productive? With Tynker, they can. By learning to code their own games, kids become creators instead of just consumers. And not only will they be having fun, but programming has been proven to accelerate kids’ academics in math, science, even reading, while giving them a skill that will open up countless future job opportunities.

At Tynker, kids and teens of all ages and skill levels can design and develop their own video games with programming activities, built-in tutorials, online support, coding puzzles, mini-games, and more. So lets learn more about making your own games for kids.

How do You Make Your Own Video Games?

Children can create video games using accessible game development tools and available platforms. These tools, such as Scratch, Tynker, and GameMaker, are designed to be user-friendly and accommodate different skill levels, allowing kids to learn the basics of programming and game design without being overwhelmed. Children can develop their creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills through engaging tutorials and interactive interfaces as they build their unique games. As they gain experience, kids can graduate with more advanced tools like Unity or Unreal Engine to create increasingly sophisticated games. Collaborating with others, either online or in-person, can further enhance their learning and foster teamwork. By making their video games, children have fun and develop a valuable skill set that can translate into future opportunities within the growing gaming industry.

Where to Begin When Your Child Wants to Create a Video Game?

If your child is interested in creating a video game, start by researching age-appropriate game development platforms like Scratch, Tynker, or Kodu, which are designed to be accessible and engaging for young learners. Please encourage your child to explore tutorials, examples, and community projects to familiarize themselves with the platform and gather inspiration. Next, help them brainstorm and plan their game concept, including characters, storyline, and game mechanics. As they develop their game, provide support and encouragement and celebrate their progress. Encourage collaboration with friends or online communities to enhance learning and teamwork.

5 Great Reasons to Make Video Games with Tynker

Empower your kids to make their own games paving the way for endless creativity and fun. Experience the thrill of making your own video games for free, and watch as your children unlock their true potential with Tynker.

  1. Award-Winning Platform – We have over 600 hours of unique content.
  2. Self-Guided – Your child will make games on their own, at their own pace.
  3. Support – Step-by-step instructions, how-to video guides, and online classes.
  4. All Ages – From block coding to text coding like Python and JavaScript.
  5. Mobile Apps – take Tynker Junior, Tynker, and Mod Creator on-the-go.

*All for a fantastic price! Our annual plan breaks down to just 33 cents per day.

Game Design Courses on Tynker

Intro to Coding:

Glitch Manor – (Ages 7+) Explore a haunted mansion, fight off zombies, solve mysteries, and more with 80 programming activities and 16 coding puzzles.

Turing’s Tower – (Ages 9+) Scour the globe and repair a flying tower to fight off a giant robotic dragon in this steampunk-styled platformer game with 56 programming activities and 16 coding puzzles.

Intermediate Game Design: Ages 8-13

Star Runner – Build 8 fun arcade games to advance your coding skills and learn 2D motion, pen drawing, and animation.

Goblin Quest – Use code to explore secret worlds, solve dungeon puzzles, and program armies to follow your commands.

Advanced Game Design: Ages 14+

Drone Menace – Program a multi-level arcade game with a scoring system, win-loss scenarios, and special effects.

Gravity Sling – Build an Angry Birds-style physics-based catapult game while learning to program gravity and collisions and even create a black hole!

Ninja Runner – Use advanced physics engine commands as you program a platformer game with your own hero and enemy A.I.

How Kids Learn to Code while Building Games

Building a game is an involved process, touching on a variety of left brain (logic) and right brain (creativity) functions while designing and programming scenes. All the planning that goes into game making increases kids’ ability to focus on tasks for long periods of time and see projects through to completion while developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

  • Interactive Scenes – place characters, make animations, and add effects. Kids can even draw their own characters and animate them with multiple frames.
  • Sound – set the mood for any kind of scenario with music. Whether they want a dramatic intro sequence or an exciting duel, kids can choose from a variety of music clips and sound effects from our library. They can even compose their own music using our built-in MIDI interface and Tynker’s Synth Blocks.
  • Character Motion – use loops to program the motion of characters and coordinate geometry to move sprites across the screen. For example, when programming a Pong or Brick Breaker game, kids have to use angles and speed to move the paddle and the ball.
  • Game Play – program whether to detect user input from a mouse or the arrow keys and write code to handle these events. For example, press the spacebar to jump or click and the mouse to pop a balloon.
  • Keeping Score – use variables and counters to keep track of the score, health, and number of lives, increasing and decreasing them based on key events during gameplay. Advanced users can even build leaderboards to rank players in the community.
  • Detecting Win/Loss Conditions – use conditional logic to determine if a player won or lost a game.

Tynker’s Global Community

Check out these great block coding projects from our global community to see how kids are creating stages, animating characters, and producing sound with a variety of activities and interactive games.

For support, check out our Tynker Toolbox blog where we show kids how to design their own platformer game using two great tools:

  • The Level Editor lets you drag-and-drop game elements visually and create fun levels super fast.
  • The Platformer Blocks help you code platformer actors to move left-and-right. Many of the props and characters in the Level Editor come with prebuilt code, which can be customized as needed.

Tynker Summer Code Jam

Here are a few game gifs designed by our Code Jammers:

We also have an incredible 8-week Summer Code Jam in which young coders from around the world compete for up to $10,000 in prizes by creating their own projects.

This is the perfect time to unlock your child’s potential with a subscription to Tynker.

We can’t wait to see what your child will create with code!


About Tynker

Tynker enables children to learn computer programming in a fun and imaginative way. More than 60 million kids worldwide have started learning to code using Tynker.

My Coding Path

Take your child from novice to expert. Just follow the path.

Block Coding Courses

Apply your coding skills! Find your passion!