Thre Tips for Keeping Kids Safe Online

Thre Tips for Keeping Kids Safe Online
Last Updated: May 15, 2018 2:00 pm

Three Tips for Keeping Kids Safe Online

Internet access opens up a new world of discovery and creativity for kids! The flip side of this access, however, is concern about your child’s safety and privacy online. How can we make sure that our kids learn to use the internet in a safe, smart way? We’ve outlined 3 tips to get your family started:

  1. Talk to your child about what not to share.

    As we raise a generation of digital natives, it’s important to help kids understand why they need to limit the amount of personal information they share online. Set clear expectations about what sites your child can access, and discuss how they can engage in respectful, appropriate dialogues with their peers.

  2. Choose safe communities for kids.

    Look for websites that are designed with kids in mind to ensure that your child has safe experiences online. Our team at Tynker maintains COPPA compliance and moderates the community to ensure that kids have a great time learning to code in a safe environment. Keep an eye out for seals like kidSAFE, and check out additional resources for online safety on our site.

    “There are a lot of apps for kids that are maybe not so much for kids, so Tynker seems like a real positive one. I like the way the community is managed – you can give thumbs up but you can’t necessarily comment, you can’t certainly give a thumbs down, so it’s a nice atmosphere for little kids.” – Patrick, Featured Maker Erin’s dad

  3. Handle issues together.

    Communication is key to online safety – remind your child that they can always come to you if they make a mistake, experience or witness cyber bullying, or come across something inappropriate when they’re online. Make sure that these communication channels stay open before issues arise: show an interest in the activities your child is participating in online!

Tynker is a fun way for kids to learn programming in a safe online community. We continually add privacy features – such as those needed to comply with the new EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – in order to ensure that families have control over their web safety. Stay tuned to learn about how we’re achieving GDPR compliance, and log onto your Tynker Parent Dashboard to see what your child is learning with Tynker!


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About Tynker

Tynker enables children to learn computer programming in a fun and imaginative way. More than 60 million kids worldwide have started learning to code using Tynker.