3 Ways Kids Thrive in the Vibrant Tynker Community

Teach, Share, Support
3 Ways Kids Thrive in the Vibrant Tynker Community
Last Updated: October 12, 2017 9:00 am

3 Ways Kids Thrive in the Vibrant Tynker Community

What happens when more than 60 million kids share coding projects with one another in a supportive and collaborative space? A whole lot of fun – and loads of teaching, sharing, and supporting!

When asked about their favorite Tynker feature, kids list things like the ease of coding with blocks, the ability to draw, and – almost unanimously – the Tynker community!

We are so excited by the way the Tynker community has taken off. We provide the framework and support for the community, but all the trends, ideas, and teaching happening in the community is self-perpetuated. It’s constantly changing and improving, but one thing stays constant: it’s always inspiring! Featured Maker Scout said it best:

“I like how when you look at the Tynker community there are so many projects that are all so different, but they’re all made with the same software. You look at the code and there’s just so many opportunities for what you can make – it’s proof that everyone can come up with a different thing. From the same building blocks, you can make all the ideas that you have!”

1. They Teach Each Other!

Not only does the Tynker community motivate and inspire kids to code, but it also helps them learn! When we ask kids how they learned to use Tynker, they always cite the Tynker community. Kids, like Featured Maker Mark, look at the code in community projects in order to learn how to code elements of their own games or projects in Tynker.

“I’m trying to figure make a joystick instead of the button system that I have,” Mark said, “but I haven’t figured out how to do that yet. I’ve been looking at other projects to try to figure out how to do it.”

We’ve also noticed kids making “How to Use Tynker” tutorials as projects in Tynker, teaching other kids how to do things like code variables, make objects appear and disappear, and animate projects. In fact, one maker creates projects to give other users tips for using Tynker and speaks about the importance of coding in general!

Animation is really popular in the Tynker community – this user explains how it’s done!

2. They Share Ideas!

Using Tynker’s tools, kids have embraced the ability to truly create anything in their imagination! As one user, Eliot, said, “Whatever comes out of your imagination, you can create it using the Tynker programming!”

Even with the ability to make anything, we sometimes see similarities arise; for example, lately, lots of kids have been making pet and dress up projects – “customization” projects. Some impressive takes on this trend are this customizable butterfly, this customizable closet full of amazing art, and a cool customizable car. Kids are paying attention to what others are doing while still maintaining their individuality!

This funny project is a mix between customization and animation, another popular trend!

Kids use Tynker to share what’s on their mind, teach others skills (like how to draw a turtle!) make games to share, and even create educational math activities. Featured Maker Yaamini’s father Guru echoed this idea, telling us that he thinks Tynker is a “fantastic platform” for kids to learn coding on because it’s “not just coding, but it’s also giving them an opportunity to learn other topics, and share what they know about other topics.”

They’ve really taken to this idea – it’s so inspiring to see that when given freedom to make whatever they want, many kids opt to educate about the environment or spread messages of respect. A few months ago, one maker started a trend around projects about respect and encouraging others to be more kind. Kids caught on quickly!

“How Bullying Affects Someone’s Heart” is a touching project condemning bullying.

3. They Support Each Other!

After kids’ submitted projects are approved and published, they garner likes and views from other users! The praise kids get from their peers is exciting and validating. One user’s parent put it perfectly, saying, “When she posted her first coded game, she was amazed by the number of views she garnered within a few days and over a week. She couldn’t believe that her game was that popular, and the view of her first game encouraged her to continue coding other games.” Ange, one mother, told us “I think it really gives Vivian the confidence whenever she sees a ‘like’ on her project and motivates her to create more!”

A love for coding and a common understanding of the difficulties it often poses bonds the community together! They’ve all experienced the satisfaction of solving a complicated problem and the frustrations along the way. As one user told us, “Almost everyone on Tyner has made their own program, so I think that people kind of appreciate everyone else’s hard work more.”

Nearly every user we’ve spoken to has mentioned seeking inspiration for projects (and finding it!) from the Tynker community. We’ve noticed kids giving “shout-outs” to each other in their projects, and kids are always remixing one another’s projects. Sometimes they even use the platform to name a project they love and thank the maker for coding such a great project!

This project shows this user’s three favorite projects and compliments them individually!

A supportive community is an asset to kids learning to code. The ability to see what other young makers are up to, give and receive positive feedback, and share their message is important; it’s a way for kids to teach and learn concepts like kindness as well as skills like animation (or pancake flipping!).

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram to stay up to date on what the amazing Tynker community is creating. You’ll be impressed by their creativity and ambition!

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About Tynker

Tynker enables children to learn computer programming in a fun and imaginative way. More than 60 million kids worldwide have started learning to code using Tynker.