Why Use Tynker?

Why Use Tynker?
Last Updated: September 14, 2017 8:00 am

Why Use Tynker?

It’s no secret that learning to code is great for children’s academic, mental, and social development. With more than 50 million users around the world, Tynker is the leading solution to empower kids to learn coding and become makers. So what exactly makes Tynker the best solution for your child? Our revolutionary approach to helping kids learn to code, individually tailored learning paths, more than 1500 fun activities, and award-winning platform means that children of all ages can benefit from learning to code with Tynker!

Revolutionary approach to learning coding

Tynker introduces kids to coding with simple visual blocks. This technique allows young makers to learn the fundamentals of programming and make incredible creative projects without the frustrations of syntax. Whenever they’re ready, kids can start experimenting with text syntax in those same block-based activities by switching between visual and text code blocks. Once kids become familiar with programming basics and syntax, they can move to full text programming with Swift, Javascript, and Python.

We also focus on scenario-driven learning to reinforce important concepts and motivate kids to proceed through courses. Our interactive approach introduces programming concepts as kids build mini-games, solve puzzles, create coding projects, complete daily missions, earn exciting badges, and unlock new characters. This is why kids love learning with Tynker – even though they’re mastering important programming concepts, they just feel like they’re playing a game!

Individually tailored learning paths

Tynker is focused on interest-based learning. It’s a simple philosophy that means that kids who already love to play with drones or Minecraft will be more inclined (and genuinely excited) by the chance to integrate Tynker with those interests, expanding their potential for play while learning new skills.

With their own personalized learning path, any child can start learning with Tynker! Early learners start with block coding on an iPad with games like Space Cadet and Dragon Spells, which help them recognize patterns and master programming concepts like sequencing, loops, conditional logic, and algorithmic thinking. Minecraft mavens can use Tynker to create and deploy mods with the click of a button. Kids who’d like to dive deeper into concepts from the classroom will like creating projects with our STEM tutorials, and the puzzles in our interactive notebooks make it fun for independent makers to learn Javascript and Python at their own pace.

For more hands-on learners, our drone and robot programming courses are the perfect way to apply coding to the world around them. The Parrot Mambo Code lets kids program their own minidrone to perform flips and stunts, transport objects, or even fire a cannon; kids can also use Tynker to program Sphero and Ollie robots. And with LEGO WeDo 2.0, kids can use programming to bring their LEGO creations to life!

Turning tinkerers into makers

With a Tynker plan, kids get unlimited access to 18 award-winning courses, from basic programming to writing apps in JavaScript and Python. With over 1500 fun coding activities spanning various interests and experience levels, there’s something for everyone. Our game-based courses are self-guided, so kids can progress through all that Tynker has to offer at their own pace.

We’ve got rave reviews!

Tynker’s award-winning creative computing platform is used by one in three US K–8 schools and by more than 50 million kids spanning over 200 countries – together, Tynker users have written over 2.6 billion lines of code! We’ve been the recipient of several awards, including the Parents’ Choice Gold Award and the Children’s Technology Review Editor’s Choice Award, and were rated 5 stars for Engagement and Quality from Common Sense Media. Our global partners include brands such as Apple, Microsoft, iDTech, Mattel, PBS, Sylvan Learning, and more. Still not sold? Let our users tell you what they love about Tynker!

“As a parent, I’m so satisfied. I’m seeing my son’s progress, and [Tynker] keeps up his interest in so many areas…It’s hard to motivate kids in serious programming, but this app gets kids more and more into coding through the games!” – Sravanthi, mom of Featured Maker Nitish

“What I’ve learned is that this isn’t just playing a game. This really allows a child’s creativity to come through, which I think is phenomenal. I think it’s great that it teaches the child the steps involved, because I think it helps with their reasoning and analyzing a situation, as well as problem solving.” – Maria, mom of Featured Maker Gabriella

“I love [seeing Brenda’s projects] because she’s not just playing somebody else’s game. She gets to create with her own imagination, so it’s really good.” – Misty, mom of Featured Maker Brenda

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About Tynker

Tynker enables children to learn computer programming in a fun and imaginative way. More than 60 million kids worldwide have started learning to code using Tynker.