Coding Can Empower Your Child to Make a Difference

Coding Can Empower Your Child to Make a Difference
Last Updated: November 10, 2016 9:16 pm

Coding Can Empower Your Child to Make a Difference

Coding allows kids to make incredible projects that they’re really proud of and that actually make a difference. Tynkerers have built millions of projects using coding as a creative medium. When they learn to code, kids are empowered to share positive messages, create helpful products, and teach others about coding.

Kids Share Positive Messages through Storytelling

Recently, we’ve noticed many kids publishing storytelling projects about the importance of being kind and respectful to people in their lives. Dozens more have branded all their games and programs with the word “Respect” in support of this movement.

Kids Create Products that Help People

Kids learn best when they feel that what they are learning is meaningful and relevant. These students in Chicago are working on educational games and apps for their peers at a nearby school for students with specialized needs.

Kids Pass On Their Knowledge

Coding can empower kids to be the authority on something and give back by teaching others about a topic on which they are the experts. Because they pick up on new technology so quickly, kids often surpass their parents and teachers in this area and can step into the role of educator to teach friends, other students, the adults in their lives, and even local seniors!

Are your students or children coding yet? It’s easy to learn the fundamentals of programming and start coding creatively with Tynker. We offer fun interest-based courses for both school and home.


About Tynker

Tynker enables children to learn computer programming in a fun and imaginative way. More than 60 million kids worldwide have started learning to code using Tynker.