10 Great Ideas To Keep Your Child’s Brain Sharp This Summer—with Code!

10 Great Ideas To Keep Your Child’s Brain Sharp This Summer—with Code!
Last Updated: May 10, 2023 1:11 pm

10 Great Ideas To Keep Your Child’s Brain Sharp This Summer—with Code!

School’s almost out but that doesn’t mean kids and teens should stop learning. In fact, this is the perfect time for parents to help them avoid the dreaded Summer Slide—the loss of knowledge over summer break. Students, on average, lose up to 30% of their school-year learning over the summer. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to happen!

Children can exercise their bodies and minds! With fun interactive coding lessons focused on their individual interests, Tynker is the perfect solution for keeping young minds sharp by fine-tuning their cognitive abilities to problem-solve and think critically.

“I definitely think he’s better prepared and I’m very thankful he found Tynker because it just opened up that avenue that I knew would be such a good fit and make him happy.”

Jamie—mother of Featured Maker, Jordan

These skills will benefit them tremendously, giving them a head start in their classes when they return to school in the fall. This is especially true for math class, where students will be better equipped to analyze the different ways of solving a problem.

“Can you code?” is a question that your children will be hearing for years in their future job searches. The ability to code is already a valuable asset that can open up countless career opportunities.

Summer 2023

This summer, we have 10 great ideas to keep your child’s mind sharp:

1.  Self-Paced Learning: Get a Tynker plan and your child can learn to code on their own with our self-guided courses and activities. We have more than 60+ gamified courses and 4,100+ interactive learning modules for ages 5-18.

You can try Tynker for free and see what you think or go all in and get full access to the most popular courses in game design, creative coding, Minecraft modding, JavaScript, Python, and more. All Tynker home plans come with our 3 apps, so you can take Tynker on the road this summer as you travel.

2. Live Classes: Your child will receive 2 free live classes with a Tynker plan.

Work with an expert Tynker coach to help you achieve personal coding goals in game design, animation, Python, and so much more.

3. Design Minecraft Skins. Kids love Minecraft, so chances are your child’s going to be wanting to immerse themselves in Minecraft this summer anyway. That’s why Tynker partnered with Minecraft to let kids design Minecraft skins using Tynker’s Minecraft Skin Editor, a fantastic way for your child to exercise their creativity while having a blast playing their favorite game.

4. Participate in our popular and FREE Tynker Summer Code Jam! Tynker Summer Code Jam is a skill-based coding competition featuring 4 weeks of exciting challenges.

Kids can show off their coding skills for the chance to win up to $2,500 in prizes! And, it’s completely free, safe, and suitable for kids of all skill levels!

5. Download Tynker’s on-the-go Apps. Your kids can code wherever your summer adventures take you—whether you’re basking in the sun at the beach, on a road trip, or relaxing at home! And don’t forget, every home plan comes with all 3 apps!

  • Tynker Junior (ages 4-7)
  • Tynker (ages 7-13)
  • Mod Creator (ages 7-13)

You can download Tynker, Tynker Junior, and Mod Creator from the App Store.

6. New Language Support for Java and p5.js. Tynker recently released enhanced support for both Java and p5.js in our incredible text code editor.

Just like every Tynker course and project, these new tutorials require absolutely no software or configuration since everything runs right in your browser!

7. All New Synth Tutorials! Our new Synth blocks allow you to add more advanced sound effects and music to your Tynker projects.

Instead of just managing notes, you can take total control of how notes play, just like pop stars, sound designers, and audio producers! Summer is a great time to have your child try coding their own music.

8. AI & ML course will help kids have a foundational understanding of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. This block coding course even covers advanced topics like Computer Vision and natural language processing. With Multiple hands-on projects to choose from, students will enjoy bringing their creations to life with AI and ML.

9. Powerful creativity tools will bring your kid’s imagination to life!

Whether they’re interested in animation, character creation, physics, or game development, there’s a built-in tool for that in Tynker! We’re excited to bring you all our Tynker Toolbox articles, a new series of coding blogs designed with tips to ignite your child’s creativity.

10. Discover career choices with Barbie! Did you know that Tynker offers free Barbie coding activities? Kids can explore six fun career paths, from robotics engineer to astronaut and more, all while learning how to code!

Check out our You Can Be Anything course today!

Whatever your plans are this summer, be sure your child is learning key 21st-century skills like problem-solving, collaboration, and critical thinking through coding!

Tynker Makes Learning FUN

Whether they’re interested in game design, drones, art, robotics, music, or advanced coding languages like Python and JavaScript, kids of all ages and experience levels are having a blast with coding. With Tynker, we make screen time productive, not passive, which enables our coders to transform from consumers to creators.

Kids Need A Routine 

Getting kids in a consistent routine this summer is also important, especially since they’ll be away from a structured school environment. Also, physical exercise should be part of the plan every day, as should a little quiet time, especially with a good book. As parents, we want to make sure our kids are happy, healthy, and motivated to learn.

Kids Can Learn A New Skill

For kids, this is the best time to begin coding. Like a foreign language, code is best learned early. Once kids are fluent in the type of thinking required to break down and solve coding problems, the transition to advanced real-world coding languages like JavaScript and Python is relatively straightforward.

Tynker is where creativity abounds. The computational thinking that’s involved with coding teaches children to tap into their organizational skills, which helps them think algorithmically and plan ahead, opening up limitless possibilities.

Tynker Is The world’s #1 Coding Platform For Kids And Teens

We encourage you to share our Tynker plans with your friends who may be searching for additional ways to stimulate their children’s minds this summer.

Children who code can beat the summer slide. Just half an hour of coding a day will go a long way! We can’t wait to see what they’ll create with code!


About Tynker

Tynker enables children to learn computer programming in a fun and imaginative way. More than 60 million kids worldwide have started learning to code using Tynker.

My Coding Path

Take your child from novice to expert. Just follow the path.

Block Coding Courses

Apply your coding skills! Find your passion!