Life Science 101 - Course Overview

A collection of fun programming projects that demonstrate the application of coding to topics in biology.

  • YEARS 4-6


Once your students have completed at least five lessons of Programming 101 or equivalent coding experience, you can assign these NGSS-aligned projects to complement your teaching on topics in biology, anatomy, and genetics. For example, if you’re teaching a lesson on food chains, you can assign the ecological pyramid project. Your students will choose an ecosystem and use coding and outside research to create a unique interactive ecological pyramid.

With this collection of life science projects, you can easily integrate coding and project-based learning into your curriculum. Each STEM lesson walks students through how to make a project about something they’re learning in school with step-by-step instructions. At each step, it encourages them to make their project unique and interesting, emphasizing that coding is a creative medium much like writing or drawing.

We’re constantly updating our STEM courses with new projects, so if there’s something you’d like us to add, send us a message at

What Students Learn

  • Use programming for science projects
  • Build a slide show on a topic
  • Build a quiz game
  • Make an interactive charts and models
  • Use animation to illustrate
  • Narrate using your own voice
  • Use the physics engine to model
  • Troubleshoot and debug programs

Technical Requirements

* Online courses require a modern desktop computer, laptop computer, Chromebook, or Netbook with Internet access and a Chrome (29+), Firefox (30+), Safari (7+), or Edge (20+) browser. No downloads required.
* Tablet courses require an iPad (iOS 10+) with Tynker or Tynker Junior app installed and Internet access